In Wartune Hall of Heroes game update v5.1 players will be able to get additional new skills based on their original skill tree once they completed the Class Advancement. Obtain skill points while leveling up to learn more powerful Advanced Skills from Class Advancement. The bottom line of all these Wartune boss tips is to increase your Damage over the span of the battle. The more damage you do, the more rewards that you will get from fighting the World Bosses. Damage means that great skill uses, Wartune gem with attack, attack. Every sylph starts with three different Skills that can be used during battles. Learning Skills. Every Sylph starts with three active skills and a passive skill; every sylph has a total of 5 active skill slots and 3 passive skill slots. Players can spend (Un)bound Balens to purchase skills for the currently selected Sylph. In addition, players. R2Games Presents the Wartune 5.6 Patch Update: Titan System, Weekly Dungeon,Eudaemon Patrol, and New Clothing System! Titan System - Reach unprecedented new heights with Titan Skills! Weekly Dungeon: Abandoned Altar - Test your brawn in the new Weekly Dungeon! You may need to play around with the crit and the reflect titan to beat some of the bosses. There are 3 bosses that are tricky to beat and you are going to want to buff up using scrolls, pots and milk pots. The way I have found to beat most bosses, is use a dragonchant skill, then sylph up, use the Vulcan blessing, and then use a Delphic skill. user Login
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[Guide][Wartune 7.5] Overall Optimizations


I.Revamped Henna Lab

1.Each player has 3 Henna Labs by default. These labs will not disappear. A Henna Lab requires 3 hours to produce Henna. Within 1 hour after the Henna is 'mature,' the Lab will still produce Henna but will stop producing Henna after that hour.

2.Henna Lab is rated by level. Level will affect Henna production. Players can raid other players to upgrade their Henna Labs.

3.There will be a 30-minute CD after each raid. VIP players will not have raid cooldown.

4.Only 50% of resources in each Henna Lab can be raided. Advanced Henna is exempt from raids.

II.Revamped Sylph Arena

1.The system will offer 5 opposing teams for players to choose from based on points. Challenging opponents with more points grants more points after a victory. The opponent list will automatically refresh after a challenge.

2.Point bonuses have been added. The system will distribute corresponding point bonuses for the 6 attributes: Fire, Electro, Wind, Water, Light and Dark. Players will receive point bonuses based on the deployed Sylphs' attributes in every battle.

3.Required points for different tiers have been adjusted. Adv. Sepulcrum and Fusion Spirit Shard have been added to Sylph Arena Ranking rewards.


1.Players can now preview profiles for Willpower they haven't unlocked. They can see a Willpower's appearance, skills and attributes when it's at max level.

Titan Skills Wartune

2.New Willpower Awakening: Awaken Willpowers during battle to activate Awakening Skills (passive) and gain deployed Sylphs’ bonus attributes. The higher the awakening level, the higher the awakening skills level and the better bonus attributes obtained.

3.Awakening skill details:


Awakening Skill


Void Emissary

Battle Rage

Increases damage dealt by party.

Angel of Light

Thunder Fury

Adds Delphic Skill crit rate and own crit damage.

Sea Witch

Running Waters

Chance to generate a shield that can absorb damage for a targeted party member.

Death Specter


Chance to decrease targets’ crit/block rates.

Eagle Warrior

Immortal Force

Chance to recover a certain percent of own HP.

IV. Titans

1.Added 5 Titan skill slots which can be unlocked using Titan Slot Shards. Players can equip up to 10 Titan skills during battle.

2.Added 2 skill orders, players can spend Balens to unlock new skill orders. 5 active Titan slots are granted once a skill order has been unlocked, the remaining 5 slots can be activated using Titan Slot Shards.

V.Other Optimizations:

1.Optimized system loading speed.

2.Time Vault has been added to Guild Vault. When Guild reaches level 10, the Guild Master can use a certain amount of Guild Wealth to open a Time Vault.

3.Basic Talent Stone has been added to Supreme Royal's Chest and Supreme Noble's Chest. Lvl. 65+ players can complete Circuit Quests to earn the two chests.

4.Wedding Ring level cap has been raised from level 29 to 45.

5.Added 10 Sky Trial levels.

6.Added a new item, Exploratory Power, which can be used to obtain 100 Outland Exploration Points.

7.In Rave, Guild Cross-Server Points and Server Cross-Server Points will be displayed respectively on two different pages.

8.Optimized a few icons. Game Box has been moved to Cloud City, under the care of the new NPC Lycus.

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[New][Wartune 6.3] Titan Temple

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Wartune Titan Skills


1. Entry Requirement
Only players who have been knighted may enter.
2. Titan Temple

The new continent can be found at the bottom of the Outlands map. Click to enter Titan City and select a Titan Temple to join.
3. Titan Temple Gameplay

3.1 Gameplay Info
Titan Temple uses a 1v4 battle mode (1 character vs 4 mirror images). Opponents are mirror images randomly picked from the Top 100 on the Cross-Server BR Rankings. There will be 5 groups of opponents, each a group of 4 people. Players need to defeat their opponents one by one. Players can pass a certain level when they defeat all opponents for the level. If a player is defeated, the opponent's HP will not recover and the player can continue to challenge. When the player defeats 5 levels of opponents, s/he will be sent back to the first floor and every opponent level will refresh.
3.2 Challenge Attempt

Each time Titan Temple is challenged an attempt will be deducted. Players may challenge the Titan Temple 8 times for free every day and may spend 100 Balens (Bound Balens excluded) to buy an extra attempt, up to 10 purchases every day.
3.3 Titan Blessing

Titan skills wartune

Players will receive a blessing buff that only works in Titan Temple. The power of the buff is dependent on the number of Titans players own. Players need to fulfill certain requirements to activate various buffs that can be used in the challenge.
3.4 Titan Field

In addition to Titan Blessings, players can also improve their power with the help of the skills in the Titan Field.
♦ Pristine Force: Resets own Titan's skills. CD: 180 seconds
♦ Titan Wrath: Instantly kill an enemy. CD: 180 seconds
♦ Titan Heart: Reflect 25% damage for 3 turns, up to 10 times. CD: 180 seconds

Players may use each of the 3 skills 3 times a day. When free attempts are used up, Bound Balens can be used to buy extra attempts. There's no purchase limit for the skills, but each skill can only store up to 5.
3.5 Challenge Rewards
Each time players pass a level, they will receive corresponding rewards.
Level 1: Animation Stone x5, Charge Fragment x15
Level 2: Animation Stone x5, Charge Fragment x15
Level 3: Animation Stone x10, Charge Fragment x30
Level 4: Animation Stone x10, Charge Fragment x30
Level 5: Animation Stone x15, Charge Fragment x60

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