Read this article to learn about drafting of notices, circulars and resolutions.

How to answer your kids' questions about a military draft. 'There's historical precedent for extending that age,' Winkie says before noting that in August 1918, during World War I. Drafting Multiple Choice Questions Author: Albany Law School Created Date: 2/9/2011 2:33:57 PM. What is noting and drafting? This is a common question among new recruits in the Government Service. English noting and drafting may be second nature to somebody experienced but to somebody new it can be quite intimidating. There isn’t a lot of difference between English noting and drafting and Hindi noting and drafting.


The persons entitled to attend a meeting must be informed of the time, place, date and business of the meeting in proper time.

The communication informing the persons entitled to attend the meeting about time, place, date and business of the meeting is called the ‘notice’.


To make the meeting valid, the notice must be served by the right person by the right means to all the persons entitled to attend the meeting. Usually, the notice is drafted and issued by the Secretary under the instruction of the Director of the company. A notice, in order to be valid, must be signed by the proper authority.

The requisites of the meeting can be classified into the following classes:

1. The notice must specify the exact date, time and place of the meeting.

2. The notice must state the nature of business to be transacted at the meeting. A complete agenda is appended to the notice.

3. The notice should be served to all members entitled to attend the meeting.

4. The notice must be clear and unconditional.

5. Proper length of notice must be given in accordance with the rules of the organisation.

Notice of the first Board Meeting of company with a complete agenda.


Indian National Publishing Company

1 College Street, Calcutta 13

Dated 1st July 1999.


This is to inform that the first meeting of the Board of Directors of the company will be held at its registered office at 1 College Street, Calcutta 13, on Tuesday, 22nd July 1999 at 3.P.M.

Your presence is solicited.

D. Roy




1. Election of the Chairman.

2. Adoption of the Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association and Certificate of Incor­poration of the Company.

3. Appointment of the first Directors of the Company.

4. Appointment of the Chairman of the Board.

5. Appointment of the Managing Director.

6. Appointment of the Secretary with retrospective effect.

7. Appointment of the Bankers of the Company and Auditors.


8. Fixation of the date of the next Board meeting.

9. Any other business.

Notice for an Annual General Meeting of Chinsurah Cooperative Credit Society

Chinsurah Cooperative Credit Society Ltd.

Regd. Office: 6 Netaji Subhas Road

P.O. Chinsurah, Dist. Hooghly, 712103


1st July 1992

Notice is hereby given that the 10th Annual General Meeting of the Society will be held on 20th July 1992 at 3. P.M. at the registered office of the Secretary at 6 Netaji Subhas Rd, Chinsurah, to transact the following business.

S. N. Sen




1. To confirm the proceedings of the last meeting.

2. To consider the adoption of the Secretary’s Report.

3. To consider the adoption of the Audited Accounts of the year ended 31st March 1992.

4. To consider the question of declaring dividend.

5. To elect the directors.

6. To adopt the budget for 1992-93.

7. To fix up the borrowing power of the Society.

8. To consider any other business with the permission of the Chair.

Notice of the Board meeting other than the first

Roychowdhury Chemicals Ltd.

Regd. Office, 10 Netaji Subhas Road

Calcutta 700 001


2nd February 1995





Dear Sir,

The 11th meeting of the Board of Directors of Roychowdhury Chemicals Ltd. will be held at the Registered Office of the Company at 10 Netaji Subhas Rd. Calcutta 700001, on Monday, 25 February 1995 at 3 P.M.

Your presence is solicited.

Yours faithfully

Tapan Roychowdhury



1. Confirmation of the minutes of the 10th Board Meeting.

2. Approval of share transfer.

3. Production of financial statements and declaration of interim dividend.

4. Consideration of opening a new branch at Bhubaneswar. –

5. Fixation of the date of the next Board Meeting.

6. Any other business with the permission of the Chair.

Notice of the Statutory Meeting of a Public Company

Raj and Raj Co. Ltd.

Regd. Office, 2 Netaji Subhas Road

Calcutta 700 001

1 February 1998


Pursuant to Section 165 of the Companies Act, 1965, Notice is hereby given that the Statutory Meet­ing of the Company will be held at the Registered Office of the Company on Monday 1 March 1998 at 3 P.M.

A copy of the Statutory Report is annexed herewith.

By order of the Board

B. Das



1. Consideration and adoption of the Statutory Report.

2. Inspection of the list of Members.

3. Discussion on any matter related to the formation of the company.


A member entitled to attend and vote is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote in case of poll only instead of himself and the proxy need to be a member of the company.

A proxy form is attached herewith.


How a Circular is to be Drafted:

Circular letters are used to communicate the same message to a large number of customers and suppliers. If they are written in an attractive style and in an interesting manner it will be effective for business communication.

When a business-man wants to give publicity to a cause or a campaign they go for circular letters. Through such letters the readers are provided with facts and figures about the firm. The circular letters aim to create the interest in the contents and thereby win the confidence of the readers.

Circular letters are normally used when opening of a new branch, change of premises, introduce a new article, reduction of sales, admission, retirement and death of a partner and change in the constitu­tion of the firm.

While drafting a circular the following points should be kept in mind:

1. The circular letter must be drafted carefully.

2. They must be informative.

3. They must not be ambiguous.

4. The circulars must be courteous in tone and pleasing in form.

5. While drafting a circular letter the purpose of the same should be kept in mind.

6. The circular letter must be concise.


The circular letters are issued for many purposes.

Generally, a circular letter conveys the following types of information:

1. Establishment or transfer of a business.

2. Opening of a new branch.

3. Change of premises.

4. Taking over a business or closing down a business.

5. Dissolution or amalgamation of business.

6. Appointment, discharge or retirement of an important employee.

7. Admission or death of a partner.

8. Issue of bonus shares.

9. Offer of right shares to shareholders.

Draft a circular informing customers a grand clearance sale of stock before the arrival of the Puja festival.

The City General Stores

1st September 1998

Dear Sirs,

On the eve of the Puja festival, prices of many articles tend to go up but not at our shop. We have planned a grand clearance sale of our stocks before the arrival of the festival—just the time when you wish to buy cheap.

Prices Marked D

O By 50% or more for almost all items.



Hurry up! Offer open till 20 September.

You get Rs. 200 worth of goods or even more for just a hundred!

We welcome you tomorrow and everyday till 12 September between 8. A.M. and 8. P.M. without midday closure of counters to enable you to choose any time convenient to you.

Yours faithfully

N. Mazumder


Draft a circular letter to customers and dealers announcing the opening of a new branch

Bata Shoe Company

23 Chowringhee Road

Calcutta 700 019

Circular No N/B/6 March 15 1998

Dear Sirs

We have the pleasure to announce the opening of our new branch at 10, Zonal Central, Durgapur, West Bengal, in order to cope with the increasing demand for our products in that area. Mr. S. M. Bhattacharya has been appointed the Branch Manager. The new branch will start operation from 20 March 1998.

With your cooperation and patronage, we have been able to supply different types of shoes to cater various types of customers for the last 60 years.

We hope you will extend your patronage to our new branch and we assure you of our best attention at all times.

Yours faithfully

S. N. Basak

Sales Manager

Draft a circular letter to customers and dealers announcing of a new showroom

Khadi Gramoudyog Ltd.

37 Chittaranjan Avenue

Calcutta 700 020

2nd January 1998

Dear Sirs

We have the pleasure in announcing the opening of a new showroom for our products at 57 College Street, Calcutta 700013, to meet the growing demand of our Central Calcutta customers. The showroom will be inaugurated on 1st February 1998.

The site for the new showroom at College Street is excellent as it is very convenient to the customers residing in College Street area and North Calcutta.

Mr. S. M. Bose, who was Assistant Sales Manager in our main showroom, has been appointed the Manager of our new showroom at College Street branch.

We hope you will kindly extend the same patronage to our new showroom as you extended to our main stores.

Yours faithfully

S. C. Patel


Draft a circular announcing price increase for products

Eastern Trading Corporation

30 Netaji Subhas Road

Calcutta 700001

Circular No. R/P/98 May 15, 1998

Dear Customers,

We regret to inform that owing to high cost of raw materials and increase in wage structure, we are compelled to increase the price of our product—electrical pump—by 10% with effect from June 1, 1998. The discount rate to our customers will, however, remain the same.

The inconvenience caused to you is regretted. We hope to enjoy the same patronage from you as before.

Yours faithfully

S. M. Tandon

Sales Manager

Draft a circular announcing appointment of Sole-Selling Agent

Empire Chemical Co.

20 Old China Bazar Street

Calcutta 700001

Circular No. A/7/98 July20, 1998

Re: Appointment of Sole-Selling Agent

Dear Sirs,

We have pleasure to announce that Messers S. B. Enterprises of 10 Palm Avenue, Calcutta 700019 have been appointed our Sole-Selling Agents for the sale of our products in Bihar, Orissa and West Ben­gal. Customers will get ready their stock at our catalog price at usual rate. Customers are requested to kindly process their orders through S. B. Enterprises.

Yours faithfully

S. N. Singh

Sales Manager

Empire Chemical Co.

Drafting of Reports:

A report is an organised statement of facts on a particular subject prepared by the writer after proper investigation and enquiry, with or without recommendations. A report may be written by an individual or a Committee or Board of Enquiry.

Types of Reports:

Reports may be of two kinds: Ordinary and Special.

Ordinary reports:

Ordinary reports are made and presented at stated intervals in the usual routine of business. Gener­ally, they contain n mere statement of facts without any opinion or recommendation and merely seek to convey some information on some matter, e.g., Report of Directors to the Annual General Meeting. The facts are stated usually chronologically or subject-wise.

A special report:

A special report is prepared by the individual or by a committee and presented to the superior body requiring it. It contains the recommendations of the writer or writers supported by the facts upon which recommendations are based.

Reports may be also Formal and Informal. A formal report is made according to the requirements of an office or company. It usually follows a prescribed form and established procedure.

An informal report, on the other hand, is one which does not follow any prescribed form or proce­dure. It is usually written in the form of a personal letter, without any formal procedure involved in it.

Formal reports of a company are of two types—Statutory Reports and Non-statutory Reports.


Statutory reports are those reports which have to be prepared and submitted according to a proce­dure prescribed by law. Statutory reports include Directors’ Report to the Annual General Meeting, An­nual Returns, Auditors’ Report, Reports of the Secretary etc.

Non-statutory reports are those reports which are not required under the provisions of any law but are prepared to help the directors to arrive at right decisions for efficient running of the business. These reports are prepared by the secretary or by the directors themselves to submit to shareholders, employers or committees.

In the case of organisations other than companies there may be various types of reports, e.g., Reports of secretaries of different organisations, Newspaper Reports of daily events, Reports of the standing committees of different associations etc.

Privilege Reports:

Reports of meetings may sometimes contain statements which may be considered defamatory by some person. Just like speeches delivered by individuals, certain reports have been granted ‘privilege’ by the law i.e., claim to be immune from the liability to libel or slander.

Reports of proceedings in a Court of Law, Reports of proceedings of the Parliament, Newspaper reports of public meetings enjoy ‘qualified privilege’, i.e., they are privileged provided the reports are fair and accurate.

Preparation of Reports:

As already stated, report is an organised statement of facts leading to some conclusion with or with­out recommendations of the writer. The main purpose of a report is to help the recipient to know the facts relating to a subject and arrive at some decisions. The report must be clear, concise and factual and must be prepared in a recognised form.

However, it is difficult to state a precise set of rules to which all reports must conform. In the case of Statutory Reports the form is prescribed by law. In other cases the nature, length and style of the report will vary according to the nature of demand.

Every report should be prepared in such a way that the reader can easily understand the points. The main parts of a report are the heading or title, date, address, the body, salutation, complementary close and signature. The body of the report should be divided into paragraphs, each dealing with a particular subject. The report is usually written in a personal form and in the first person.

The following form and arrangement are maintained in every report:

1. The Heading or Title:

Every report should contain the heading or title. It is written on the title page or cover page.

2. Address:

The name of the person or superior body to whom the report has to be submitted.

3. Contents:

It is a list of chapters contained in a report. The title of each topic is given. It may also contain a list of enclosures.

4. Body of the Report:

It is the main part of the report.

The body of report should be divided into the following parts:

1. Introduction:

It is made up of the terms of reference and the subject of study. Here the writer analyses the problem facing him in the light of the terms of reference.

2. Findings:

In this part the writer presents the facts and data collected by him and adds his comments or opinions.

3. Conclusion and Recommendation:

In this concluding part of the report the writer arrives at certain conclusions on the basis of the data and facts. He then presents some definite sugges­tions of his own. When the report is prepared by a committee for presentation to a general body for adoption, recommendations should be made in the form of ‘motions’ or ‘resolu­tions’.

4. Reference and Bibliography:

A report should contain a list of references and bibliography just after the index so that the reader can understand the sources of information.

5. Index:

In case the report is lengthy an index of the contents of the reports is added after the bibliography.

6. Summary:

When the report is very lengthy a summary of the findings and recommendations of the report is appended.

7. Signature:

Every report must be dated and signed by the person or committee submitting it. If the report is unanimous, the signature of the chairman will do. If the report is not unani­mous a separate minority report with the notes of dissent has to be submitted with the major­ity report.

Guidelines for Report Writing:

No hard and fast rules can be laid down regarding report writing. Any language and style may be adopted in writing reports so long as they serve the main purpose for which the report is being written.

However, some general principles can be laid down which will help the report writer:

1. The language should be simple and clear. Short and simple sentences should be used as far as possible.

2. Negative statements should be avoided as far as possible.

3. The report should be better written in the narrative form.

4. The data used in support of conclusion must be accurate and reliable.

5. No such technical term should be used which is not understood by the people for whom the report is written.

6. The report should be as brief as possible. Repetition should be avoided.


Draft a report for submission to the Board of Directors of a company about the desirability or otherwise of standardization of office furniture, forms and stationery.

Gladstone Engineering Industries Ltd.

Secretarial Dept.

30 Sarat Bose Road

Calcutta 700 026

2nd October 1996


The Chariman

Board of Directors

Gladstone Engineering Industries Ltd.

Calcutta 700026


As desired by you, I made a study of the benefits we may derive from the standardisation of office furniture, forms and stationery in our office. I have visited a number of modern offices in the city where such standardisation is practiced and noted several advantages to which I draw your attention:

1. Standardisation of office furniture will save space to a large extent. Replacement can be made easily and quickly. The cost of such furniture is not high.

2. Standardisation of forms is essential as it helps the staff to do the work quickly. They will be accustomed to do work in a particular standard form.

3. Standardisation of stationery also increases the efficiency of employees. A clerk accustomed to a particular type of calculating machine can give better service in lesser time if he is always given the same type of machine.

Considering the above-mentioned facts, I suggest that it is in our own interest that we introduce standardisation of office furniture, forms and stationery as soon as possible.

I am seeking the approval of the Board of Directors as quickly as possible.

Yours faithfully

A. K. Ghosh


Draft a Report for submission to the Board of Directors on the recent trend in sales and the immediate need for an advertising campaign.


The Directors

Bharat Chemicals Ltd

Calcutta 700001

1st September 1997

Dear Sirs

As desired by you, I have conducted a thorough investigation into the causes of the recent decline in the sales and would like to submit the report as under. A comparison of the sales of the two quarters of the last year with those of the corresponding of the current year reveals that sales have declined by 20 p.c.

This is particularly disheartening since—during the period under consideration—the quality of our products have improved.

My investigation has identified causes of such a state of affairs. The most important cause is the increasing competition in the market from several rival companies. This has been mainly responsible for a decline in our sales.

Though our products enjoy a goodwill in the market and the quality of our products has improved, dealers find it difficult to push the sale of our products because of the cheaper brands offered by the rival companies.

Moreover, some of the rival companies have tried to popularize their products and boost up their sales by offering attractive gifts to the buyers. The combined effect of these moves has resulted in decline of our sales.

It is high time that we adopt an appropriate strategy to meet the challenge of our rivals. I strongly recommend a well-planned advertising campaign be adopted immediately to highlight the superiority of our products.

Though the cost of such an advertising campaign may be high, I am sure that the results will more than justify the advisability of such expenditures.

Yours faithfully

S. N. Chatterjee


Draft a report for submission to the Board of Directors of a Company for the cause of steep fall in the production of the company and suggest remedial measures.

Deepak Engineering Co. Ltd.

1 Council House Street

Calcutta 700001

10 July 1998


The Chairman

Board of Directors

Deepak Engineering Co. Ltd.

1 Council House Street

Calcutta 700001

Respected Sir,

As per your instruction I have conducted a thorough investigation into the causes of the steep fall in production of the company and I beg to report as follows:

In course of my enquiry I found the remarkable irregularity with regard to workers’ attendance. Late attendance has almost become a habit with most of the workers. Such irregularity of attendance is mainly due to the slackness on the part of the Production Manager who never took serious steps for enforcing rules of attendance. The result has been a general deterioration in efficiency standards and fall in produc­tion.

I suggest there should be a time office where all the workers, before joining their duties, should punch their attendance card showing the time of arrival. The Production Manager should keep an eye on the arrival of workers and no late-comer should be allowed to enter the factory.

As regards the efficiency of the production department, I have found that there is lack of coordina­tion between Production Department, Purchase Department and the Stores Department. The result was that the required raw materials are not found in time and hence production suffers. Proper coordination between these departments should be established so that production might not suffer for want of raw materials.

Another important fact for the fall in production is that most of the foremen appointed during the last four years do not have adequate experience by virtue of which they can guide the labourers. I suggest they should be replaced by experienced personnel and existing foremen should be given less important duties.

I hope my enquiry and suggested remedial measures would help the Board of Directors to take correct decision in this matter.

Draft a report to the Director about the agitation of employees for enhancement of dearness allowance, for the supply of tiffin at subsidized rate and for rest-house at a hill station.

Bengal Motors Co. Ltd.

4 Chowringhee Road

Calcutta 700 020

8th November 1992


Descriptive Questions On Noting And Drafting

The Chairman

Bengal Motors Co. Ltd.


Questions On Noting And Drafting Techniques

As per your instructions, I had a discussion with the union leaders that during the last two years price level has increased by 50 p.c. but our DA has remained the same. I have collected statistics from similar companies in the neighbouring areas and found that our DA is 30 p.c. less than other similar companies. So the demand of employees for 30 p.c. rise in the rate of DA may be considered.

Employees are agitating for tiffin at subsidized rate. Considering the health of the workers it is desir­able that they should take sufficient tiffin during tiffin hours. The small amount of subsidy of Re. 1 per worker per day may, therefore, be granted as a welfare expenditure.

The demand for rest house at a hill station is not a major one, so it may be taken up after four months if they again arise.

I would request you to let me know the decision of the Board at an early date so that 1 can start negotiation with the union of workers.

Yours faithfully

S. N. Mullick


Minutes and Resolutions:

Minutes are the official records of the proceedings of a meeting. Minutes that are approved and signed is treated as an evidence in the court of law. For joint stock companies, it is compulsory to main­tain the proceedings of every general meeting, board meeting and of committees. The main object of writing minutes is to record what was formally resolved or decided upon.

The writing-up of the minutes is the responsibility of the secretary. During the meeting he should take brief notes of the proceedings. Each important point should be carefully noted. After the meeting the minutes should be written-up in the minute book from the notes. All pages of the minute’s book should be numbered consecutively and, after confirmation, each page should be signed by the chairman.

It should be kept in mind that the minutes are not verbatim reports of the proceedings. In drafting minutes it is not necessary to record the discussions leading to a resolution. Minutes should be brief, factual and accurate. As far as possible, the exact wordings of the resolutions should be recorded.

The minutes should record the business in the following order:

1. The nature of each meeting should be mentioned.

2. The date, time and place at which the meeting is held must be mentioned.

3. The names of the presiding officer, members in attendance and the secretary should be men­tioned.

4. The minutes of the last meeting be read, confirmed and signed by the chairman.

5. Each item in the minutes be numbered with a brief heading.

6. The minutes should be impersonal. Reported speech and passive voice are used in writing minutes.

7. Names of absentees and apologies for absences received.

Questions On Noting And Drafting Skills

8. Resolutions adopted with names of movers and seconders, manner of voting and results.

9. Usually the rough draft of the minutes is shown to the chairperson and, with his approval, the final draft is prepared.

Specimen Minutes:

Minutes of All Bengal College Teachers’ Association

The 10th Annual General Meeting of the All Bengal College Teachers’ Association was held in the University Institute Hall on 2nd May 1988 at 2. P.M.


The Chair was taken by Dr. S. K. Roy.


The minutes of the preceding of Annual General Meeting held on 4th April 1987 were read, approved and signed.

Annual Report:

The Secretary read out his report giving a brief survey of the year’s work. The adoption of the report was moved by Dr. S. Ghosh, seconded by M. Banerjee and carried unani­mously.

Statement of Accounts and Treasurer’s Annual Report:

The Treasurer submitted his report along with the Income and Expenditure Statement for the year under review. The report was read out by the Treasurer, moved by the Secre­tary and seconded by Dr. S. N. Sen and carried unanimously.

Election of Office bearers for 1988-89:

The following were duly proposed, seconded and elected as office bearers for the year 1988-89:

President—Dr. P. K. Roy

Proposed by Prof. S.N. Bose and seconded by B.K. Kundu. Secretary—Dr. S.N. Bhowmick

Proposed by Dr. R.K. Sen and seconded by Prof. P. Sengupta. Asst. Secretary—Dr. R.K. Mitra,

Proposed by Dr. U.K. Mullick and seconded by Prof. J. Sarkhel.

Treasurer—Dr. S.N. Basak

Proposed by Dr. S.K. Dhar and seconded by Dr. S.N. Ghatak.

Election of Executive Committee for 1988-89:

The following were duly proposed, seconded and elected as members of the Executive Committee for the year 1988-89: 1. Dr. S.N. Basak, 2. Dr. P.K. Bose., 3. Dr. S.N. Nandi, 4. Prof. S.K. Chakrabarty, 5. Prof. D.K. Roy, 6. Dr. R.K. Ghoshal, 7. Dr. B.C. Goswami.

Appointment of Auditor:

The appointment of Sri Kamal Ghosh, C.A., as auditor for 1988-89 was moved by Dr. S.K. Biswas, seconded by Dr. T.K. Bose and carried unanimously.

Rules for Teachers’ LTC Benefits- Appointment of Subcommittee:

That a subcommittee with three members and with the Sec­retary as convener be appointed to draft LTC Benefit Scheme to be submitted to the Govt. of W. Bengal.

The resolution was supported by Dr. S.P. Das, Dr. T.K. Ghosh and Dr. S.P. Chakraborty and carried unanimously.

The following were appointed the subcommittee and were directed to submit the draft scheme by 30 June.

Dr. B.K. Basu, Dr. T.K. Sen, Prof. D. Sinha Secretary (convenor).

Vote of thanks:

A vote of thanks to the Chairman was proposed by Prof. S. P. Ganguly, seconded by Dr. S.K. Nandi and carried unani­mously. S. N. Maitra (Chairman)

Minutes of the First Board Meeting of a public company

Calcutta Silk Manufacturing Co.Ltd.

Regd.Office 2 Rabindra Sarani

Calcutta 700 0009

Minutes of the First Board Meeting of the Company held at the Registered office, at 2 Rabindra Sarani, Calcutta 700001, the 3rd January at 3. P.M.

Questions On Noting And Drafting Paper

President: Mr B.K. Sethi in the Chair

Mr. S.N. Dalmia, Director

Mr. B.K. Grewal, Director

Mr. D.S. Kotari, Director

Mr. S.K. Ghosh, Director

Minutes and Resolution:

1. Chairman of the Meeting:

Mr. B.K. Sethi was elected to the Chair.

2. Memorandum, Articles of Association and Certificate of Incorporation:

The Memorandum of Association, the Articles of Association and the Certificate of Incorporation No Dated 10.11.97 were produced and adopted.

3. First Directors:

It was recorded that Mr. B.K. Sethi, Mr. S.N. Dalmia, Mr. B.K. Grewal, Mr. D.S. Kothari and Mr. S.K.

Ghosh had been named in the Articles of Associa­tion of the company and appointed first Directors of the company and statutory particulars from the Directors were placed and read out.

4. Chairman of the Board:

Resolved that Mr. B.K. Sethi be and is hereby ap­pointed Chairman of the Board.

5. Appointment of Managing Director:

Resolved that Mr. S.K. Ghosh be appointed the Managing Director of the company and the neces­sary approval be obtained from the Central Gov­ernment.

6. Appointment of Secretary:

Mr. S. Ganguly was appointed the Secretary of the company with retrospective effect.

7. Appointment of Bankers:

Resolved that the State Bank of India, Rabindra Sarani Branch, be appointed Bankers of the com­pany and Directors were authorised to operate the Bank Account jointly by any two of them.

8. Approval of Draft Prospectus:


The solicitors placed the Draft Prospectus which was approved.

9. Common Seal:

The Common Seal of the company was adopted.

10. Quorum:

Resolved that the quorum of the Board meeting be three.

11. Next Board Meeting:

The next Board Meeting was fixed on 4th March 1998, at 3. P.M.

12. Vote of Thanks:

The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.

Calcutta 3rd January 1998 B.K. Sethi (Chairman)

Minutes of the Statutory Meeting of a Public Company

Bloomfield Tea Co. Ltd.

Minutes of the proceedings of the Statutory Meeting of the Company held at its registered office at 4 B.B.D. Bag, Calcutta 700001 on Tuesday, the 24th March 19.99 at 3. P.M.

Present: Mr. S. Agarwalla, Chariman

B.K. Sethi (Chairman)

Mr. B.K. Somani, Director

Mr. T.K. Ghosh, Director

Mr. D.K. Bhowmick, Director

and 100 other members whose names appear on the Attendance Register.

Minutes and Resolutions:

1. Chairman:

Mr. S. Agarwalla, Chairman of the Board, took the chair.

2. Statutory Report:

The Statutory Report dated 20.2.99, copies of which were circulated to the members, were taken as read. The Chairman dealt with the questions raised by the members. On the motion of the Chairman and seconded by Mr. T. K. Ghosh, it was resolved that the statutory report is hereby approved.

3. Vote of Thanks:

The Chairman thanked the members and declared the meeting closed.

Dated 24 March 1999 S. Agarwalla (Chairman)

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of a Club

Calcutta Club

Regd. Office: 1 Chowringhee Road

Calcutta 700 020

[Registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1961,

Registration No….]

Minutes of proceedings of the Sixth Annual General Meeting of the Club held at the Registered Office of the Club at 1 Chowringhee Rd. Calcutta 700020 on Saturday 1st March 1998 at 5 P.M.

Present: Mr. S.K. Biswas, President

Mr. K.K. Sengupta, Member, Managing Committee

Mr. B.K. Chakraborty, Member, Managing Committee

Mr. S.M. Khaitan, Member, Managing Committee

Mr. D.K. Dutta, Honorary General Secretary

and 50 other members whose names appear in attached sheet.

Minutes and Resolutions:

1. Chairman:

Mr. S.K. Biswas, President of the club, took the Chair.

2. Confirmation of the Minutes:

The Minutes of the 5th Annual General Meeting of the club held on 1st March 1997 and General Meet­ing held on May 20,1997 were confirmed.

3. Secretary’s Report:

The Secretary placed the Annual General Report which was discussed and adopted unanimously.

4. Audited Accounts:

It was resolved, that the Audited Accounts, Balance Sheet and Auditor’s Report for the year ended 31.12.1997 be and are hereby adopted.

5. Budget:

The Annual Budget for the year ending 31.12.1997 was placed by the Secretary and adopted.

6. Election of the Members of the Managing Committee:

It was resolved that Mr. S.K. Biswas be elected Presi­dent, Mr. N.N. Sanyal, the Vice-President, Mr. D.K. Dutta, the Honorary General Secretary, Mr. S. Mahanta, Treasurer and Mr. D.K. Kundu, Mr. R. Goswami and Mr. D. Das be elected members of the Managing Committee for the year unanimously.

7. Appointment of Sub-Committee:

On the motion of Mr. S.N. Mitra, the same being seconded by Mr. U.K. Mullik, it was resolved that the President be empowered to appoint Cultural Sub-Committees.

8. Appointment of Auditors:

It was resolved Mr. Kamal Ghosh, C.A., be and hereby appointed Auditor of the club on a remu­neration of Rs. 800 per annum.

9. Vote of thanks:

The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.

D. K. Dutta S.K. Biswas

Honoorary General Secretary Chairman

1.3.1998 1.3.1998

Minutes of a Municipality Meeting

Hooghly-Chinsurah Municipality

Pipulpati, Hooghly, West Bengal

Minutes of the ordinary Meeting of the commissioners of Hooghly-Chinsurah Municipality held at the Municipal Hall on Monday, the 2nd March 1998 at 4 P.M.

Present: Sri Samir Sen, Chairman

Sri Tarun Ghosh, Commissioner

Srimati Chandana Bose, Commissioner

Sri R.K. Rakshit, Commissioner

Sri G.C. Mullik, Secretary

and 25 other Commissioners whose names appear in the attendance Register.

Minutes and Resolutions:

1. Minutes of the last meeting:

The minutes of the last ordinary meeting of the

Municipality held on 2.2.1998 was confirmed.

2. Monthly Department Reports:

The monthly reports of the various departments of the Municipality were approved.

3. Recommendations of the Standing Finance Committee:

The meeting discussed the recommendations of the Standing Finance Committee and unanimously re­solved that the recommendation be adopted.

4. Road Construction:

It was resolved that the proposal for pucca road Connection in the area of Rabindra Nagar Colony be immediately implemented.

5. Vote of Thanks:

The meeting ended with a warm vote of thanks to the Chair.

The 5 March 1998 Samir Sen


Minutes of Gram Panchayat Meeting

Polba Gram Panchayat

Polba, Hooghly, West Bengal Panchayat

Minutes of the ordinary Meeting of the Members of Polba Gram Panchayatheld on Monday, 10th

Gram April 1998 4 P.M. at the Gram Panchayat Office.

Present: Sri Ramprakas Bera, Pradhan

Sri Manindra Nath, Member

Smt Bina Ghosh, Member

Sri Krishna Saha, Secretary

Minutes and Resolutions

1. Minutes of the last meeting:

The Minutes of the last ordinary Meeting held on 5.3.98 was confirmed.

2. Grant-in-aids bills:

The Grant-in-aids bills were approved for submis­sion.

3. Construction of a pucca road in Sukanta Sarak:

The members discussed the necessity for construc­tion of a pucca road in Sukanta Sarak and consid­ered the demand made by the people. It was re­solved that necessary steps be taken in the regard before the coming Pujas.

4. Establishment of a Primary school at Netaji Colony:

It was resolved that a primary school be set up for the education of local children and the Secretary was asked to take necessary steps for setting up a school immediately.

5. Vote of thanks:

The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.

The 12 April 1998 Ramprakash Bera


Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of a Cooperative Society

Minutes of the Tenth Annual General Meeting of the Hoogly Cooperative Society held at its Regis­tered office at Chak Bazar Road, Hooghly on Tuesday, the 4th March 1998 at 3 P.M.

Present: Sri D.K. Sanyal


Sri R.K. Sen

Dr. S.N. Basack

Sri A.K. Ghosh

Sri A.B. Mullick

Sri P.N. Sil

Sri D.K. Sur

Srimati Puspa Dhar

Sri G.K. Mahato

Sri D.K. Modak

Minutes and Resolutions:

1. Chairman:

Sri D.K. Sanyal, Chairman of the Managing Com­mittee took the chair.

2. Confirmation of the Minutes:

The minutes of the Ninth Annual General Meeting held on 1 March 1997 were read and confirmed.

3. Annual Reports and Accounts:

It was resolved “the Income and Expenditure Ac­count for the year ended on 31.12.1997, the Balance Sheet as at that date, the Auditors’ Report be, and are hereby, adopted. The resolution is as proposed by Dr. S.N. Basack and seconded by Sri P.N. Sil and was passed unanimously.

4. Dividend:

It was resolved that dividend @ 12% on the shares of the society as recommended by the Managing Committee was declared.

5. Election of Members:

On the motion of Sri A.K. Ghosh and seconded by Sri D.K. Sur, it was resolved Sri D.K. Modak, be and hereby, elected member of the Managing Com­mittee unanimously.

6. Budget:

The Budget for the year ending 31.12.97 was placed before the meeting and adopted unanimously.

7. Vote of thanks:

The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the chair.

P. N. Sil


D. K. Sanyal


6 March 1998

Related Articles:

What is noting and drafting? This is a common question among new recruits in the Government Service. English noting and drafting may be second nature to somebody experienced but to somebody new it can be quite intimidating.

There isn’t a lot of difference between English noting and drafting and Hindi noting and drafting. It’s just a matter of a change in the language. Therefore, if you know the basics of noting and drafting such as what they are, you should be able to handle both Hindi and English noting and drafting.

Understanding English Noting and Drafting

The trick to understanding English noting and drafting is to split it and approach noting and drafting separately.

Noting is a process through which one government officer shares his view about the issue on a file with another government officer. The primary purpose of the process is to allow discourse over the specific topic while maintaining a record of the same for retrospective review.

As a result, noting is always seen as the recording of comments or notes about a specific issue on a file between two or more government employees. It is the most basic and daily function performed in Government offices at every level of hierarchy, be it an Assistant or Joint Secretary level officer.

Drafting on the other hand is the process of creating a rough sketch of a communication that is to be sent after approval of the competent authority. The rough sketch that is put up on the file is known as the draft. It is issued after the officer who has to sign it has approved it.

The draft can have a variety of purposes from conveying orders to requesting more information. Many drafts may need to be made in the process of disposal of one case.

In essence, the main function of English noting and drafting is to complete the process of disposal of a case.

Where Can I Find English Noting And Drafting?

So now that you know what English noting and drafting is, where will you find it in a government office? This question may seem a little silly at first but bear with me because there are people who are so new that they don’t know where to find English noting and drafting.

Objective Type Questions On Noting And Drafting

If you were to step into a government office and open a file, you’ll find it to be compartmentalised into two parts. The right side of the file is known as the correspondence side while the left side is the noting side.

The correspondence side has papers that contain all the letters, circulars, and formal instructions available on the subject of the file. The noting side, on the other hand, contains notes of officers who’ve dealt with the file before.

Furthermore, if you look closely, you’ll see that some of the notes are typed while others are handwritten. Sometimes, you’ll even find notes from other offices and departments. On the correspondence side you may find drafts of previously sent communications along with their final copies.

Objective Questions On Noting And Drafting

In any case, the common thing about all these notes and drafts is that each of them will be relevant to the matter on the file.

Questions On Noting And Drafting Process

In conclusion, you can see English noting and drafting as a combination of two aspects – the process of writing and furthering your views on the subject matter of a file and creating a draft of the final order or decision received from the right authority.